Member Benefits
Take a look at IHSA membership benefits
Every Head Start and Early Head Start staff member is an Iowa Head Start Association member. IHSA works hard to provide advocacy and professional development opportunities to promote quality services for children and families across the state of Iowa.
Head Start Program and Staff Member Benefits
- Professional development and ongoing learning – responsive to state programs’ needs.
- Event discounts for members
- Scholarship opportunities – for staff, alumni and parents
- State award nominations – recognition at state and regional level
- Networking Opportunities
- Job postings on website at no cost
- New mentor program - promote staff retention and satisfaction
- Leadership development opportunities
- Updated website – links to your program
- Communication - Newsletters/Facebook posts/Director’s Update/Up-to-date information/Save-the-dates
- Head Start on the Hill - Capitol Hill Day
- Advancing public policy and advocacy issues at local, regional, and federal levels
- Marketing campaign for HS - support awareness and enrollment
- Coordination and collaboration with early childhood education community and other key stakeholders
- Voting rights for Board elections
- Membership Certificates